Introducing Crowdfunding: A Modern Way to Raise Capital

Introducing Crowdfunding: A Modern Way to Raise Capital

Crowdfunding is a modern way of raising capital that has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. It is an innovative way of raising money from a large number of people, often through the internet, to fund a project or a business venture. In this article, we will discuss the various types of crowdfunding, the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding, and how to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Types of Crowdfunding

There are several types of crowdfunding, each with its unique characteristics:

  1. Donation-Based Crowdfunding: In this type of crowdfunding, individuals and organizations donate money to a cause or a project without expecting anything in return. This type of crowdfunding is often used for charitable causes or social projects.
  2. Reward-Based Crowdfunding: In this type of crowdfunding, backers receive a reward for their contribution. Rewards can range from simple thank-you notes to products or services related to the project.
  3. Equity-Based Crowdfunding: In this type of crowdfunding, backers receive shares in the company in exchange for their contribution. This type of crowdfunding is often used by startups and small businesses.
  4. Debt-Based Crowdfunding: In this type of crowdfunding, backers receive a fixed return on their investment, usually in the form of interest. This type of crowdfunding is often used by businesses looking to raise funds for a specific project or expansion.

Advantages of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has several advantages, including:

  1. Access to Capital: Crowdfunding provides access to capital that may not be available through traditional funding sources, such as banks and venture capitalists.
  2. Market Validation: A successful crowdfunding campaign can validate a business idea or product and help attract additional funding from other sources.
  3. Customer Engagement: Crowdfunding provides an opportunity to engage with customers and build a community around a business or product.
  4. Brand Awareness: Crowdfunding campaigns can help raise brand awareness and attract new customers.

Disadvantages of Crowdfunding

While crowdfunding has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages, including:

  1. Limited Funding: Crowdfunding campaigns may not always reach their funding goals, which can limit the amount of capital raised.
  2. Time-Consuming: Launching a successful crowdfunding campaign can be time-consuming and require a significant amount of effort and resources.
  3. Loss of Equity: Equity-based crowdfunding can result in the loss of equity in a business.

Launching a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

To launch a successful crowdfunding campaign, it is essential to have a solid plan and strategy in place. Here are some tips to help you launch a successful crowdfunding campaign:

  1. Set a Realistic Funding Goal: Set a realistic funding goal based on your business needs and the amount of funding required to achieve your objectives.
  2. Choose the Right Platform: Choose a crowdfunding platform that aligns with your business goals and target audience. Try Crowdfund Builder today!
  3. Develop a Compelling Story: Develop a compelling story that explains your business idea or product and how it will benefit backers.
  4. Offer Attractive Rewards: Offer rewards that are attractive to backers and align with the funding amount.
  5. Promote Your Campaign: Promote your crowdfunding campaign through social media, email marketing, and other marketing channels.

In conclusion, crowdfunding is a modern and innovative way of raising capital that can provide businesses with access to funding and help validate business ideas and products. Launching a successful crowdfunding campaign requires a solid plan and strategy, a compelling story, attractive rewards, and effective promotion. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of launching a successful crowdfunding campaign and achieving your funding goals.

Why Investment Firms Benefit from Crowdfund Builder

Introduction to Crowdfund Builder

Crowdfund Builder is a platform that connects real estate investment firms with potential investors who are interested in pooling their resources together to fund promising property projects. It leverages the power of crowdfunding to create new opportunities for both investors and real estate firms alike. But what exactly is crowdfunding, and how has it revolutionized the real estate industry?

Crowdfunding and Real Estate

Crowdfunding is the practice of raising funds from a large number of individuals, typically through online platforms, to finance a particular project or venture. This approach has gained considerable traction in recent years and has been successfully applied to various industries, including real estate.

A Brief History of Crowdfunding in Real Estate

The concept of crowdfunding real estate projects first emerged in the early 2010s, following the success of platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo in the technology and creative sectors. Since then, numerous real estate crowdfunding platforms have been established, giving birth to a thriving new investment landscape.

Advantages of Crowdfund Builder for Real Estate Investment Firms

Access to Capital

Diversified Funding Sources

Crowdfund Builder allows real estate investment firms to tap into a vast pool of potential investors, which enables them to diversify their funding sources. This helps reduce reliance on traditional financing methods, such as bank loans, and can lead to more favorable funding terms.

Lowered Barriers to Entry

Engaging a Wider Range of Investors

Crowdfunding platforms like Crowdfund Builder make it easier for individuals with varying investment capacities to participate in real estate projects. This not only increases the number of potential investors but also democratizes the investment process, allowing more people to enjoy the benefits of real estate investing.

Enhanced Transparency and Trust

Real-Time Data and Updates

Investors using Crowdfund Builder can easily access project information, updates, and key performance indicators. This heightened level of transparency fosters trust between investors and real estate firms, ultimately benefiting the projects themselves.

Streamlined Project Management

Simplified Investor Communication

Managing communication with numerous investors can be a daunting task for real estate investment firms. Crowdfund Builder simplifies this process by providing a centralized platform for sharing updates, answering questions, and addressing concerns.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Crowdfunded Real Estate Projects

**Example 1:

The Commercial Building Revival**

A once-neglected commercial building in a bustling city was transformed into a vibrant mixed-use space, thanks to the power of crowdfunding. Through Crowdfund Builder, the real estate investment firm behind the project was able to raise the necessary funds from a wide range of investors. As a result, the building now houses offices, retail spaces, and restaurants, providing a revitalized hub for the community.

Example 2: The Affordable Housing Initiative

Crowdfund Builder played a crucial role in the development of an affordable housing project in a rapidly growing urban area. The real estate firm spearheading the project utilized the platform to secure funding from a diverse group of investors who shared a common interest in addressing the city’s housing crisis. The completed development now offers reasonably priced homes to hundreds of families, demonstrating the positive impact of crowdfunding on real estate ventures.


Real estate investment firms can significantly benefit from using Crowdfund Builder for their projects. The platform not only provides access to a broader range of investors and diversified funding sources but also lowers barriers to entry and enhances transparency and trust. With streamlined project management and numerous success stories, it’s no wonder that Crowdfund Builder is becoming an essential tool for real estate investment firms.


1. How does Crowdfund Builder help real estate investment firms raise funds?

Crowdfund Builder connects real estate investment firms with a large pool of potential investors, who can contribute funds to projects through the platform. This enables firms to diversify their funding sources and reduce reliance on traditional financing methods.

2. Can small investors participate in real estate projects through Crowdfund Builder?

Yes, Crowdfund Builder allows individuals with varying investment capacities to participate in real estate projects. This makes it easier for more people to enjoy the benefits of real estate investing and democratizes the investment process.

3. What types of real estate projects can be funded through Crowdfund Builder?

Crowdfund Builder supports a wide range of real estate projects, including residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments. The platform can be used to fund new construction projects, property renovations, and even real estate-backed loans.

4. How does Crowdfund Builder ensure transparency and trust between investors and real estate investment firms?

Crowdfund Builder provides a centralized platform where investors can access project information, updates, and key performance indicators. This heightened level of transparency fosters trust between investors and real estate firms, ultimately benefiting the projects themselves.

5. Can Crowdfund Builder help real estate investment firms with project management?

Yes, Crowdfund Builder streamlines project management by simplifying investor communication. The platform offers a centralized location for sharing updates, answering questions, and addressing concerns, making it easier for real estate investment firms to manage their relationships with numerous investors.

Get started today!

Pros and Cons of Investing in Commercial Real Estate

Investing in commercial real estate can be a lucrative venture, but it is not without its challenges. As with any investment, there are pros and cons to consider before deciding to dive into this field. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of investing in commercial real estate, and provide insights into what you need to know before making a decision.

Pros of Investing in Commercial Real Estate

  1. Potential for High Returns

One of the biggest advantages of investing in commercial real estate is the potential for high returns. When compared to other investment options, such as stocks or bonds, commercial real estate has the potential to generate much higher profits. This is because commercial properties can be leased out to tenants, which means that they can generate a steady stream of income over a long period of time.

  1. Diversification

Another advantage of investing in commercial real estate is that it can help diversify your investment portfolio. By investing in different types of properties in various locations, you can spread your risk and reduce the impact of any losses. This can help you to build a more resilient investment portfolio that can weather the ups and downs of the market.

  1. Tax Benefits

Investing in commercial real estate can also provide you with significant tax benefits. For example, you can deduct the cost of mortgage interest, property taxes, and other expenses associated with owning a commercial property from your taxable income. This can help you to reduce your overall tax liability and increase your net returns.

  1. Control over Investment

Unlike other investment options, investing in commercial real estate gives you more control over your investment. You can choose the property you want to invest in, manage it yourself or hire a professional property manager, and make decisions about the use and development of the property. This level of control can help you to maximize your returns and build a more profitable investment portfolio.

Cons of Investing in Commercial Real Estate

  1. High Capital Requirements

One of the biggest challenges of investing in commercial real estate is the high capital requirements. Commercial properties are typically more expensive than residential properties, which means that you need a significant amount of capital to invest in them. This can make it difficult for small investors to enter the market and compete with larger investors who have more resources.

  1. Market Volatility

Another challenge of investing in commercial real estate is the market volatility. Like any investment, commercial real estate is subject to market fluctuations and can be impacted by changes in interest rates, economic conditions, and other factors. This can make it difficult to predict future returns and can lead to unexpected losses.

  1. Management and Maintenance

Investing in commercial real estate also requires a significant amount of management and maintenance. Unlike other investment options, such as stocks or bonds, commercial properties require ongoing maintenance and repairs. This can be costly and time-consuming, and can impact your overall returns.

  1. Vacancy Risks

Finally, investing in commercial real estate also comes with vacancy risks. If you are unable to find tenants for your property, or if your tenants leave unexpectedly, you may be left with a vacant property that generates no income. This can lead to significant losses and can impact your overall returns.


Investing in commercial real estate can be a profitable venture, but it is not without its challenges. Before making a decision, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of this investment option. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, you can make an informed decision and build a profitable investment portfolio that meets your financial goals.

Try our demo today!

The Advantages of Investing in Commercial Real Estate through Crowdfunding with Crowdfund Builder

Investing in real estate has long been a popular way to build wealth and diversify portfolios. However, traditional real estate investments require significant capital and are often inaccessible to average investors. This is where crowdfunding platforms like Crowdfund Builder come in. They allow individual investors to pool their resources and invest in commercial real estate projects that were previously out of reach.

At Crowdfund Builder, we’re committed to providing our investors with the opportunity to participate in high-quality real estate investments that generate strong returns. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of investing in commercial real estate through crowdfunding and how you can get started.

The Advantages of Crowdfunding for Real Estate Investments


One of the biggest advantages of investing in commercial real estate through crowdfunding is the ability to diversify your portfolio. With Crowdfund Builder, you can invest in a wide range of commercial real estate projects across various property types and geographic regions. This diversification helps to reduce risk and ensure that your portfolio is well-balanced.

Access to High-Quality Real Estate Investments

Another benefit of crowdfunding is that it provides access to high-quality real estate investments that were previously only available to institutional investors. At Crowdfund Builder, we thoroughly vet all of our investment opportunities to ensure that they meet our strict underwriting standards. Our team of experts evaluates each investment opportunity based on factors like location, property type, tenant creditworthiness, and more.

Passive Income and Potential for High Returns

Investing in commercial real estate through crowdfunding can also provide passive income and the potential for high returns. Most of our investment opportunities are structured as equity investments, which means that investors receive a share of the profits generated by the property. This can provide a steady stream of passive income, and if the property performs well, investors can also see significant capital gains.

How to Get Started with Crowdfund Builder

Getting started with Crowdfund Builder is easy. Here are the steps you’ll need to follow:

  1. Create an account on the Crowdfund Builder platform.
  2. Browse our list of investment opportunities and choose one that meets your investment goals and risk tolerance.
  3. Review the investment details and documentation, including the private placement memorandum (PPM).
  4. Make your investment online and sign the subscription documents.
  5. Sit back and watch your investment grow.


Investing in commercial real estate through crowdfunding platforms like Crowdfund Builder can be an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and gain access to high-quality real estate investments that were previously out of reach. With our thorough underwriting process and commitment to investor success, we’re confident that you’ll find a Crowdfund Builder investment opportunity that meets your investment goals. Get started today and take the first step towards building your wealth through real estate investing.

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Why Crowdfund Builder is the Go-To Software Service for Crowdfunded Real Estate Investment Firms

At Crowdfund Builder, we understand the unique challenges that real estate investment firms face in today’s ever-changing digital landscape. With the rise of crowdfunding, it’s more important than ever for firms to have access to the right tools and software to effectively manage their investments and meet the needs of their investors.

That’s where Crowdfund Builder comes in. Our software service is designed specifically for crowdfunded real estate investment firms, offering a wide range of features and tools to help these firms stay competitive and successful in today’s market. In this article, we’ll explore some of the key features that make Crowdfund Builder the go-to software service for crowdfunded real estate investment firms.

Powerful Fund Management Tools

One of the most important features of Crowdfund Builder is its powerful fund management tools. Our software is designed to help firms manage all aspects of their funds, from investor relations to fund performance reporting. With real-time data and analytics, firms can quickly and easily make informed decisions about their investments and adjust their strategies as needed.

In addition, our software offers robust investor relations tools that allow firms to communicate with their investors, share updates on fund performance, and provide detailed reports on their investments. With these tools, firms can build stronger relationships with their investors and keep them informed and engaged throughout the investment process.

Comprehensive Deal Management

Another key feature of Crowdfund Builder is its comprehensive deal management tools. Our software allows firms to easily manage all aspects of their deals, from sourcing and evaluating potential investments to closing deals and managing post-closing activities. With our deal management tools, firms can streamline their deal processes, reduce errors and delays, and improve overall efficiency.

In addition, our software offers advanced analytics and reporting tools that allow firms to quickly and easily evaluate the performance of their deals and make data-driven decisions about future investments. With these tools, firms can identify trends, assess risks, and optimize their investment strategies for maximum returns.

Robust Investor Management

At Crowdfund Builder, we understand that managing investors can be a complex and challenging process. That’s why we offer robust investor management tools that make it easy for firms to manage their investors, from onboarding to ongoing communications and reporting.

Our software allows firms to easily track investor information, such as investment history and preferences, and provides real-time reporting and analytics on investor activity. With our investor management tools, firms can build stronger relationships with their investors and provide a high level of transparency and communication throughout the investment process.

Customizable Platform

Finally, one of the key benefits of Crowdfund Builder is its customizable platform. Our software can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual firm, allowing for greater flexibility and scalability. Whether firms are just starting out or are well-established in the industry, our software can be customized to fit their unique needs and goals.

In addition, our software is designed to integrate seamlessly with other tools and services, such as accounting software, marketing platforms, and more. This integration allows firms to streamline their operations, reduce errors and redundancies, and improve overall efficiency and productivity.


Overall, Crowdfund Builder is the go-to software service for crowdfunded real estate investment firms. With its powerful fund management tools, comprehensive deal management, robust investor management, and customizable platform, our software offers everything firms need to stay competitive and successful in today’s market.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Crowdfund Builder can help your real estate investment firm, please contact us today to schedule a demo. We look forward to helping you take your firm to the next level.

Get started today!

How Crowdfund Builder Stands Out from All the Rest


Crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and startups to raise capital and bring their ideas to life. Crowdfunding platforms have been growing in popularity and number, each offering its unique set of features and benefits. One such platform that stands out from all the rest is Crowdfund Builder. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Crowdfund Builder and why it is the best choice for established firms and startups looking to crowdfund their projects.

What is Crowdfund Builder?

Crowdfund Builder is a comprehensive crowdfunding platform that helps entrepreneurs and startups raise capital for their projects. The platform offers a range of features and benefits that make it stand out from all the rest. Crowdfund Builder provides a simple and user-friendly interface, customizable campaign pages, advanced marketing tools, secure document system, fast and responsive customer support, and competitive pricing.

Simple and User-friendly Interface

Crowdfund Builder’s interface is simple and user-friendly, making it easy for entrepreneurs and startups to create and launch their campaigns. The platform’s intuitive design allows users to navigate easily and create their campaigns quickly. The user-friendly interface saves time and effort, enabling users to focus on creating and promoting their campaigns, tracking investors and managing documentation.

Advanced Marketing Tools

Crowdfund Builder offers advanced marketing tools that enable entrepreneurs and startups to promote their campaigns effectively. The platform offers features such as social media integration, email marketing, and analytics that help users reach their target audience and track their campaign’s performance. Advanced marketing tools can help entrepreneurs and startups to maximize their reach and increase their chances of success.

Secure Document Gateway

Crowdfund Builder provides a secure document gateway that ensures the safety and privacy of backers’ financial information. The platform uses industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect the information of backers. A secure document gateway can help increase backers’ confidence in the campaign and encourage them to contribute to it.

Fast and Responsive Customer Support

Crowdfund Builder offers fast and responsive customer support that ensures that users receive the help they need quickly. The platform provides various channels of customer support, including email, phone, and chat, ensuring that users can get in touch with the support team in the way that is most convenient for them. Fast and responsive customer support can help users resolve any issues quickly and ensure that their campaigns run smoothly.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Crowdfund Builder has helped numerous entrepreneurs and startups raise capital and bring their ideas to life. The platform has a track record of successful crowdfunding campaigns and has helped many businesses achieve their funding goals. Crowdfund Builder provides case studies and success stories that showcase the platform’s effectiveness and the success of its campaigns. Case studies and success stories can help entrepreneurs and startups understand the platform’s capabilities and the best practices for running a successful crowdfunding campaign.


In conclusion, Crowdfund Builder stands out from all the rest due to its user-friendly interface, customizable campaign pages, advanced marketing tools, secure document gateway, fast and responsive customer support, competitive pricing, and successful track record. The platform offers entrepreneurs and startups an all-in-one solution for running a successful crowdfunding campaign. If you are an entrepreneur or a startup looking to raise capital and bring your ideas to life, Crowdfund Builder is the best choice for you.


  1. How does Crowdfund Builder ensure the safety of backers’ financial information?
  • Crowdfund Builder uses industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect the payment information of backers.
  1. Can I customize my campaign page on Crowdfund Builder?
  • Yes, Crowdfund Builder offers customizable campaign pages that enable you to create a unique and engaging campaign that reflects your brand and message.
  1. What marketing tools does Crowdfund Builder offer?
  • Crowdfund Builder offers advanced marketing tools such as social media integration, email marketing, and analytics that help you promote your campaign effectively.
  1. What pricing plans does Crowdfund Builder offer?
  • Crowdfund Builder offers three pricing plans – Starter, Professional, and Premium, catering to the needs of entrepreneurs and startups of all sizes.
  1. How does Crowdfund Builder provide customer support?
  • Crowdfund Builder offers fast and responsive customer support through email, phone, and chat, ensuring that you receive the help you need quickly.


Click here to get started today!


Real Estate Investment Management Services: What You Need to Know

Investing in real estate can be a lucrative venture, but managing your investment can be a daunting task. That’s where real estate investment management services come in. In this article, we will discuss the ins and outs of real estate investment management services, and how they can help you achieve your investment goals.

What Are Real Estate Investment Management Services?

Real estate investment management services are professional services that help real estate investors manage their assets. These services can include everything from property management to financial reporting, investor communication, and risk management. The goal of real estate investment management services is to maximize the return on investment for real estate investors, while minimizing risk.

Why Do You Need Real Estate Investment Management Services?

Managing a real estate investment can be a complex and time-consuming process. Real estate investment management services can help you navigate the challenges of real estate investment, and ensure that your investment is performing at its best. With real estate investment management services, you can focus on your core competencies, while leaving the management of your real estate assets to the experts.

What Services Do Real Estate Investment Management Companies Offer?

Real estate investment management companies offer a wide range of services to help real estate investors manage their assets. Some of the most common services include:

  • Property Management: This includes everything from tenant screening to maintenance and repair, lease management, and rent collection.
  • Financial Reporting: Real estate investment management companies can provide detailed financial reports that track the performance of your investment over time.
  • Investor Communication: Real estate investment management companies can help you communicate with your investors, providing regular updates and answering any questions they may have.
  • Risk Management: Real estate investment management companies can help you manage risk by identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them.

How to Choose the Right Real Estate Investment Management Company

Choosing the right real estate investment management company is crucial to the success of your investment. When selecting a real estate investment management company, consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record of success in managing real estate investments.
  • Reputation: Do your research and read reviews from other investors who have worked with the company.
  • Services: Make sure the company offers the services you need to manage your investment effectively.
  • Fees: Understand the fees associated with the company’s services and make sure they are reasonable.
  • Communication: Choose a company that communicates regularly and effectively with its clients.


Real estate investment management services can be a valuable asset to real estate investors, helping them manage their assets and achieve their investment goals. When choosing a real estate investment management company, it’s important to consider factors such as experience, reputation, services, fees, and communication. By selecting the right real estate investment management company, you can ensure that your investment is managed effectively and efficiently. Click here to get started with CrowdfundBuilder today!

How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started

Investing in real estate has long been a popular strategy for building wealth and creating passive income. While there are many ways to invest in real estate, it’s important to understand the various options available and their associated risks and benefits.

At our company, we specialize in helping investors make informed decisions when it comes to real estate investing. In this article, we’ll explore five ways to invest in real estate and provide insights into how you can maximize your returns.

  1. Direct Ownership Direct ownership of real estate involves purchasing a physical property and becoming a landlord. This can be a lucrative strategy for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to manage the property.

One of the main advantages of direct ownership is that you have complete control over the property, from selecting tenants to setting rental rates. However, this strategy also comes with significant risks, including the potential for tenant issues, property damage, and vacancy.

  1. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that owns and operates income-generating real estate assets, such as apartment buildings, office complexes, and shopping centers. REITs allow investors to own a share of these assets without the hassle of managing them directly.

One of the main advantages of REITs is that they offer diversification, which can help reduce risk. Additionally, many REITs offer attractive dividend yields, making them a popular choice for income-seeking investors.

  1. Real Estate Crowdfunding Real estate crowdfunding platforms allow investors to pool their money together to purchase properties. This strategy provides access to real estate investments with lower minimum investment requirements than traditional direct ownership.

Crowdfunding platforms typically provide detailed information about the properties available for investment, including financial projections and expected returns. However, it’s important to thoroughly research the platform and the properties before investing, as there is still risk involved.

  1. Real Estate Mutual Funds Real estate mutual funds invest in a variety of real estate assets, including REITs, direct ownership properties, and mortgage-backed securities. These funds offer investors a diversified portfolio of real estate investments with professional management.

One of the main advantages of real estate mutual funds is that they offer liquidity, allowing investors to easily buy and sell shares. However, these funds also come with management fees and other expenses that can impact returns.

  1. Real Estate ETFs Real estate exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are similar to real estate mutual funds but are traded like stocks on an exchange. ETFs offer investors a diversified portfolio of real estate investments with lower expense ratios than mutual funds.

ETFs also offer liquidity, making them an attractive option for investors who want to buy and sell quickly. However, like mutual funds, ETFs come with management fees and other expenses.


Investing in real estate can be a profitable strategy for building wealth and generating passive income. However, it’s important to understand the various options available and their associated risks and benefits before investing.

Whether you choose to invest directly in a property, through a REIT, crowdfunding platform, mutual fund, or ETF, it’s important to thoroughly research your options and make informed decisions. By doing so, you can maximize your returns and achieve your investment goals.

Investing in Real Estate is One of the Best Ways to Make Money

There are many ways to earn money from real estate.

When you buy a stock, the only way you can make money is if the stock appreciates in value, and you sell it at the good time. With real estate you can make money in many different methods.

  • Rental income. Rental income is the main source of profit investors are going for when buying a rental.
  • Buying below market value. Earn an instant profit buing a property for under market value. Think foreclosures, quick sales, and awesome negotiation skills.
  • Selling high. Make extra money by staging the property to attract buyers over market value. With stocks, you always buy and sell at market value. With real estate, you can try to beat the market.
  • Increasing equity. Take a mortgage to finance a rental and increasing equity with every mortgage payment. I put down 25% on my last rental and with mortgage repayments am around 33% equity at the moment, those 8% of the property value were paid by rents and are increasing my net worth every month.
  • Leverage increases returns. If you put 20% down on a property, you will still receive rental income based on 100% of the property value, making it a great return for your 20%. Say your property is worth $100,000 and you charge $750 in rent with $500 in mortgage, taxes and fees. You have a $250 profit on $20,000 down. That is $3,000 a year, or a cool 15% return on your deposit.
  • Leverage makes you profit on the full selling price. If that same $100,000 property you bought with $20,000 down sells for $120,000 a few years later, you get your $20,000 plus principal payments back, and a $20,000 profit. It is only a 20% profit over the full value of the property, but thanks to your leverage, you are making a profit of 100%, minus principal payments to the $80,000 mortgage. The higher the leverage, the larger the return.
  • Renting smaller units. You can divide your family house into a duplex or a triplex and increase the rent. I rent three rooms by the room, to three tenants. I can charge more than if one family was renting the whole place.
    Renting to businesses. Businesses are a different type of tenure and rents are generally higher. They are also safer if you choose a well-known business to rent to.
  • Tax benefits on interest. You can often deduce the mortgage interest from the rental income, and create a tax-free profit.
  • Tax benefits on improvements. You can also reduce the cost of the improvements from the rental income, while the added value to the property is yours to keep.
  • Profit from a lump sum on a refinance. So you bought your $100,000 property, and put $10,000 worth of improvements, that the tenants paid back with rents. The property is now worth $125,000, you can refinance to get the $25,000 cash and put 25% down on your next $100,000 rental!
  • Profit from extra cash flow on a refinance. If you are able to refinance a property to lower your mortgage payments while the rent stays the same, you are generating more cash flow every month. You can build a cushion for maintenance, save up for a deposit on a new rental, or have more passive income to live off.

There is less risk in real estate leverage than in stock leverage

Stocks are volatile. Penny stocks and currencies even more so. Some trading companies will allow you to trade on leverage. That means if you buy 1,000,000 shares of a penny stock valued at $0.05, the trading company will not require that you fund your account with the full $50,000, it will let you buy the shares with only $5,000, BUT if the share goes down to $0.045, which it almost certainly will, you will get a margin call and your whole account balance will be wiped out.

With real estate, you can put the same $5,000 as a deposit on a $50,000 or even a $100,000 house, and rent it. If you have a renter, you don’t really care about the ups and downs of the market, as you are able to meet your monthly repayments. If the property sits empty for a while, all you have to do to keep it is pay the mortgage yourself. It isn’t fun, but it is much better than seeing your whole trading account annihilated by a margin call.

Give Crowdfund Builder a try today!

Making Money In Real Estate

Learn how wealth is created through real estate. This article focuses on the basic ways that money is made through real estate. These haven’t changed in centuries, no matter how you spin it the basics have remained the same.

The most common source for real estate profit is the appreciation – the increase in the value – of the property in question. This is achieved in different ways for different types of real estate. And, most importantly, it is only realized through selling or refinancing. (For related information, be sure to check out Avoiding A Big Tax Bill On Real Estate Gains.)

Raw Land
The most obvious source of appreciation for undeveloped land is, of course, developing it. As cities expand, land outside the limits becomes more and more valuable because of the potential for it to be purchased by developers. Then developers build houses that raise that value even further.

Appreciation in land can also come from discoveries of valuable minerals or materials, provided that the buyer holds the rights. An extreme example of this would be striking oil, but appreciation can also come from gravel deposits, trees and so on.

Residential Property
When looking at residential properties, location is often the biggest factor in appreciation. As the neighborhood around a home evolves, adding transit routes, schools, shopping centers, playgrounds and so on, the value climbs. Of course, this trend can also work in reverse, with home values falling as a neighborhood decays.

Home improvements can also spur appreciation, and this is something a property owner can directly control. Putting in a new bathroom, upgrading to a heated garage and remodeling to an open concept kitchen are just some of the ways a property owner may try to increase the value of a home. Many of these techniques have been refined to high-return fixes by property flippers who specialize in adding value to a home in a short time.

Commercial Property
Commercial property gains value for the exact same reasons as the previous two types: location, development and improvements. The best commercial properties are in demand, and that drives the price up on them. (For related reading, see 7 Steps To A Hot Commercial Real Estate Deal.)

The Role of Inflation in Appreciation
Of course, there is one major factor we skipped in our summary – the economic impact of inflation. A 10% inflation of the dollar means that your dollar can only buy about 90% of the same good the following year, and that includes property. If a piece of land was worth $100,000 in 1970, and it sat dormant, undeveloped and unloved, it would still be worth many times more today. Because of runaway inflation throughout the ’70s and a steady pace since, it would likely take over $560,000 to purchase that land today – assuming $100,000 was fair market value at the time and all other factors remained constant.

So, inflation alone can cause appreciation in real estate, but it is a bit of a Pyrrhic victory. Even though you may get five times the money due to inflation, many other goods cost five times as much to buy now. (Learn more in 5 Tales Of Out-Of-Control Inflation.)


Generally referred to as rent, income – or regular payments – from real estate can come in many forms.

Raw Land Income
Depending on your rights to the land, companies may pay royalties for any discoveries or regular payments for any structures they add. These include pump jacks, pipelines, gravel pits, access roads, cell towers and so on. Raw land can also be rented for production, typically agricultural production.

Residential Property Income
Although it’s possible to earn income from the installation of a cell tower or other structure, the vast majority of residential property income comes from basic rent. Your tenants pay a fixed amount per month – and this will go up with inflation and demand – and you take out your costs from it and claim the remaining portion as rental income. While it’s true you will get an insurance payout if your tenants burn down the place, the payout only covers the cost of replacing what is lost and is not income in a real sense.

Commercial Property Income
Commercial properties can produce income from the aforementioned sources – with basic rent being the most common – but it can also add one more in the form of option income. Many commercial tenants will pay fees for contractual options like the right of first refusal on the office next door. These are essentially options that tenants pay a premium to hold, whether they exercise them or not. Options income is sometimes used for raw land and even residential property, but they are not common.

What About REITs or MICs?
Real estate investment trusts (REIT) and Mortgage Investment Corporations (MIC) are typically considered to be great ways of earning income from real estate. This is true, but only in the sense that real estate is the underlying security. With a REIT, the owner of multiple commercial properties sells shares to investors – usually to fund the purchase of more properties – and then passes on the rental income in the form of distribution. The REIT is the landlord for the tenants (who pay rent), but the owners of the REIT get the income once the expenses of running the buildings and the REIT are taken out.

MICs are even further removed, as they invest in private mortgages rather than the underlying properties. MICs are different from MBSs in that they hold entire mortgages and pass on the interest from payments to investors, rather than securitizing the interest streams independent of the original mortgage. Still, they are not so much real estate investments as they are debt investments, and thus outside of our area of interest. (Learn more in How To Assess A REIT.)

Similar to securities with real estate underlying the investment, most alternativesare merely a layer on top of these two basic steams of income.

For example, there are informal residential real estate options where you pay a fee to have the right to buy a house at a given time, say after a month, for an agreed upon price. Then, you find investors who will pay more than your option price for the property. In this case, the premium you get is essentially a finder’s fee for matching a person looking for an investment with a person looking to sell – no different than a real estate agent. Although this is income, it doesn’t come from buying (i.e. holding the deed to) a piece of real estate.

Similarly, no money down or OPM deals are simply the financing aspect of the deal – it doesn’t change how the buyer is planning to make money in the long run.

The Summary
If someone is trying to sell you a new way to make money from real estate other than buying low and selling high or collecting rent, they’re probably trying to sell you on the process of real estate investing rather than a new mechanism for making profits. Whether the process is worth it or not is up to you, but know that it doesn’t change how money will be made (or lost).